No perfil de Yoan Fanise - um dos diretores de áudio da Ubisoft Montpellier no site Linkedln diz que o FPS Killer Freaks from Outer Space. (Wii U) começou a ser desenvolvimento em 2009.
Killer Freaks - Wii U
Public Company; 5001-10,000 employees; FR0000054470; Computer Games industry
October 2009 – September 2010 (1 year) Montpellier Area, France
Original FPS
Pre production audio direction, Sound effects creation, Music and voice direction.
Public Company; 5001-10,000 employees; FR0000054470; Computer Games industry
October 2009 – September 2010 (1 year) Montpellier Area, France
Original FPS
Pre production audio direction, Sound effects creation, Music and voice direction.
Vale ressaltar que inicialmente, Killer Freaks from Outer Space seria um projeto
multiplataforma para o PS3 e X360 com os famosos Rabbids como
vilões e obviamente nomeado de Killer Rabbids.
Inclusive, se você ainda não leu a nossa prévia de Killer Freaks from Outer Space, clique aqui.
Fonte: Linkedln
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