quinta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2014

[OST] - Baixe a trilha sonora original de THE LAST STORY. (Wii)

Deu uma pausa no game para estudar? Que tal escutar a trilha sonora de THE LAST STORY. (Wii) enquanto estuda ou realizar qualquer outra atividade?
Composta por três CD´s, a trilha sonora é assinada por Nobuo Uematsu. Simples assim.
É preciso dizer alguma coisa?

Clique AQUI e faça o download da trilha com qualidade de 320kbps:-

Disco 1
01 - Theme of The Last Story
02 - Is That Road Justified?
03 - Timbre of the City
04 - Running in Struggle
05 - Crossing Intentions
06 - Bonds
07 - Order and Chaos
08 - Exposed to Light
09 - When Hearts Connect
10 - The Flying One (Instrumental)
11 - Hearts Bounce Loudly
12 - Infiltration
13 - Destruction
14 - War
15 - Just Being Near You
Tempo total

Disco 2
01 - Pride of Knights
02 - Conspiracy
03 - Evil Beast
04 - Castle Ruri
05 - Fallen Nobles
06 - Sneaking Sign
07 - The Dark Side
08 - Being Congenial
09 - Bout of Arena ~ Battle Banquet
10 - Glorify the King
11 - Lost Time
12 - The Other Side of Oblivion
13 - Declining Nobles
14 - Pub for Gathering
Tempo total

Disco 3
01 - Invitation to Madness
02 - Authority and Majesty
03 - With Decision in the Heart
04 - Death Dance
05 - Patina of the King
06 - Awaiting Disaster
07 - The One Ruling Everything
08 - New Days
09 - Joyful Voices Can Be Heard
10 - The Flying One
11 - With Unfulfilled Dream
12 - Feelings Conflict
13 - Meowmeowmeowmeowmeow~
Tempo total

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